Our Commitment 

While most adults can play in Toyota Pools games without issue, we understand that gambling can be problematic for some players. We are committed to promoting responsible play and support the state and national councils on problem gambling. As we work to generate funding to benefit older Toyota Pools in a socially responsible way, we want to ensure that all of our players always play responsibly. That means playing within their financial means and only for entertainment, and ensuring our players are of legal age.


Know the Warning Signs

Compulsive gambling is a disease, and it's often a hidden one. But it doesn't affect only the victim. Family, friends and co-workers can be affected too. It is a chronic and progressive disease, much like alcoholism or drug addiction.


How do you know if you or someone you care about has a problem?

Here are some warning signs to look for:

  • Denying there is a problem 
  • Lying about where the money is going 
  • Borrowing money to gamble or pay off debts 
  • Taking time off work to gamble
  • Losing touch with friends
  • Looking for the "high" that comes from gambling


Help is Available

In Toyota Pools, help is provided by experts at the Toyota Pools Compulsive Gambling. Players can also reach out via the website, where they can access the helpline by phone, text, chat, or email to [email protected].